Unlock Your Potential: Believe and Achieve with Coaching

Ever dream big? I do too. I truly think that if you set your mind to it, you can make anything happen. Deep down, I believe that everyone has it in them to do amazing things. But maybe right now you’re feeling unsure. Maybe friends or family are telling you...

The Service-First Approach: Enhancing Community Engagement

This article explores the service-first approach in sales, aligning with Jesus’ teachings on community and service. It emphasizes the importance of community engagement, building relationships, and focusing on the needs of others. Practical applications are provided to help readers implement this approach in their sales and life.

Finding Sales Inspiration in Jesus’ Path of Service

Have you ever thought of the parallels between selling and the teachings of Jesus? Before you shake your head, consider this: Jesus, by presenting the Kingdom of God as His industry and salvation as His product, embodied the principles of selling. His commitment to...

Profit with Purpose: Jesus, Ethics, and the Art of Selling

In the expansive world of sales, it’s easy to get consumed by the allure of profit. After all, for many, it’s seen as the hallmark of success – a clear indication of business growth and personal accomplishment. But how do we strike a balance? How do we...

Learning Sales the Right Way: Tips from Jesus and the IDEAS System

Sales isn’t just about making money. It’s about making the right choices. Every person selling something has faced tough decisions. Should they push for more profit? How can they talk about a product without stretching the truth? How do they treat people...

Embracing Service in Sales: Lessons from Jesus

The art of selling has undergone several transformations over the years. But amidst the changing techniques and tools, the core essence of sales remains constant—service. Drawing inspiration from The Master Salesman: Jesus and the Art of Service, I’ve come to...

Finding Sales Inspiration in Jesus’ Service

In my book, “The Master Salesman: Jesus and the Art of Service”, I explore the profound relationship between Jesus’ act of ultimate service and the world of sales. His dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering belief offer invaluable lessons for those in...

From Jesus to Sales: A Journey in Compassionate Service

Jesus’ life is an emblem of compassion, empathy, and tireless service. Time and again, the scriptures record His acts that went beyond the conventions of His era. Miracles and teachings combined, they painted a portrait of genuine service rooted in a deep-seated love...

Unlocking the Assumptive Close: Lessons from Jesus

Sales have often been perceived as a rigorous game of persuasion, but the real art lies in the genuine connection with the customer. The heart of sales is neither flashy marketing nor sly tactics; it’s understanding, belief, and genuine service. An ancient yet...

Unlocking the True Meaning of Selling: A Journey Beyond the Sale

Selling, for many, seems like just another part of a job, especially when it comes to closing a deal. Yet, when we really think about it using the IDEAS Sales System, it’s clear that selling is much more than a simple transaction. Instead, it is a chance to...

The Art of Service: Lessons from Jesus and the IDEAS Sales System

In the ever-evolving world of sales, it’s often challenging to find a balance between achieving business goals and genuinely serving customers. Sales, in its purest form, should be about fostering relationships, understanding the individual needs of the customer, and...

The Master Salesman: How Jesus Exemplifies the IDEAS Sales System

In an age of fleeting transactions and superficial interactions, the very foundation of selling can often be overlooked. When one turns to history’s most profound and impactful figures, one name that consistently emerges is Jesus. Beyond his spiritual teachings,...

The Art of Service: Taking Sales Inspiration from Jesus

In the intricate world of human interactions, the act of serving is more than just a mere action; it is an art. This art is a vivid demonstration of empathy, compassion, and connection, transcending the mere act of selling to forge deep, meaningful partnerships....

The Art of Adaptation: Sales Lessons from Jesus

In the modern sales landscape, achieving a genuine connection with customers goes beyond memorizing company pitches or understanding product specifications. True connection stems from one’s ability to adapt communication according to the unique narrative of each...

Finding Sales Inspiration in Jesus’ Parables

From the vast landscapes of agrarian communities to the bustling city markets, the narratives that Jesus spun into parables still hold a lasting charm. These weren’t just tales spun on a whim, but well-thought-out stories, intricately woven and attuned to the...

Emulating Jesus’ Art of Understanding in Modern Sales

In the intricate dance of sales, understanding and empathy often lead the way. But what if I told you that the perfect embodiment of these qualities lived more than two thousand years ago? Intrigued? Let’s dive deep into the teachings and encounters of Jesus,...

Adapting to Urgency: Lessons from Jesus’ Compassionate Response

Sales is an art, a dance between identifying needs and meeting them with the right solutions. At its core, it’s about connecting, understanding, and serving. But how can salespeople truly elevate their craft? For inspiration, we might turn to a source that might...

Jesus, Paul, and the Art of Adaptable Sales

In the intricate tapestry of human interaction, few moments rival the transformative power of a sale. Every salesperson understands the pivotal role of connection, of truly seeing the individual across the table and adapting one’s approach to resonate with their...

Jesus and the Art of Personalized Service in Sales

The age-old adage “know your customer” has been reiterated in sales and business circles for generations. At its core, this principle underscores the importance of personalizing the selling experience. In the realm of sales, where countless transactions...

Adapting: The Art of Personalized Communication in Sales

In a modern world where quick interactions dominate, the significance of personalized communication stands out even more starkly. Our world teems with automation, making it easy to overlook the true value of genuine interactions. The conventional sales strategies...

Embracing Evaluation in Sales: Gleaning Wisdom from Jesus

At its core, sales is not just about transactions or making profits; it is an art of connecting, understanding, and serving the customer. This perspective, while innately known by many, is further illuminated when we turn our gaze toward the greatest teacher in...

Empathy and Evaluation: The Salesman’s Journey Inspired by Jesus

When you think about the finest salespeople throughout history, you might envision individuals who understood human psychology or those who perfected the art of persuasion. But let me invite you to look further back, at an individual whose sales strategy wasn’t...

Gratitude in Sales: Enhancing Empathy and Perspective

In the professional realm, the practice of gratitude often goes unrecognized for the immense value it offers. Yet, when embraced, it presents a transformative power, especially in the field of sales. There’s a deeper relationship between cultivating gratitude...

The Silent Language of Understanding: Harnessing Non-Verbal Cues

In the intricate tapestry of human interactions, words, though vital, are but threads woven alongside a silent language—non-verbal cues. The subtle gestures, fleeting facial expressions, and the undertones of voice often weave a story that the spoken words might fail...

Deepening Sales Understanding: Embracing the Socratic Method

The art of selling is not merely about closing deals, but about fostering genuine connections. For those in the sales industry, this means transcending surface-level conversations and diving deeper into the hearts and minds of customers. The age-old technique of...

Visual Mapping: Harnessing Wisdom and Understanding in Sales

In my journey of coaching and life lessons, I’ve often drawn inspiration from scripture, recognizing parallels between ancient teachings and modern business practices. One such parallel is the art of visual mapping in sales and its resonance with biblical...

Empathy in Sales: A Deeper Connection Through Jesus’ Teachings

Empathy is not just a buzzword. It’s the cornerstone of creating genuine connections with others, be it in life or business. In today’s complex world of sales, where transactions have increasingly become impersonal, the art of truly understanding and...

Strengthening the Sales Evaluation Muscle with Literary Fiction

In the vast landscape of sales training, you’ll find myriad techniques, tools, and strategies designed to help salespeople sharpen their skills and optimize their performances. However, there’s a unique and perhaps surprising method that not many would...

Embracing Role-Playing in Sales: A Biblical Perspective

Every profession has its tools and techniques. In the realm of sales, one of the most effective methods for honing our understanding of customers is the practice of role-playing. By stepping into the shoes of potential clients, salespeople can refine their evaluation...

Embracing Mindfulness: Strengthening the Evaluation Muscle in Sales

In the ever-evolving landscape of sales, the necessity of cultivating presence and focus is undeniable. In my book, The Master Salesman: Jesus and the Art of Service, I delve deep into the evaluation stage of the IDEAS Sales System, highlighting the profound impact of...

Understanding Beyond the Obvious: A Sales Lesson from Jesus

In our modern world, where many transactions are instant, and interactions often seem shallow, it’s easy to treat clients and customers as mere numbers or problems to be solved. Yet, in my journey through sales coaching, life coaching, and training, I’ve...

Jesus and the Art of Profound Understanding in Sales

In today’s complex landscape of sales and human interactions, we are often inundated with methodologies and systems to guide our process. Yet, the time-tested teachings and interactions of Jesus of Nazareth offer a blueprint to understanding and serving our...

Discovering Through Questions: Drawing Inspiration from Jesus

In the intricate dance of sales, one of the most essential movements is the act of discovery. This journey, for many salespeople, is more than a step—it’s an art. Yet, the guidance on mastering this art doesn’t necessarily come from modern sales manuals,...

Empowering Sales: The Power of Right Intentions Behind Questions

In every aspect of our lives, the questions we pose can determine the course of our relationships, decisions, and actions. Think of the last significant question you asked or answered. How did it shape your thoughts or decisions? In the world of sales, the intent and...

The Compassion in Questioning: A Modern Sales Lesson from Jesus

In the hustle and bustle of contemporary sales strategies and techniques, it’s refreshing, and sometimes revolutionary, to look backward for guidance. Deep within the scriptures lies a poignant interaction that unveils a powerful lesson in compassionate...

Uncovering Hidden Needs: A Lesson from Jesus and Modern Sales

The world of sales often draws from various sources for inspiration and guidance. Yet, few might realize that one of the most compelling sales lessons comes from the heart of the New Testament. In my book, The Master Salesman: Jesus and the Art of Service, I delve...

The Profound Intersection of Jesus’ Teachings and Modern Sales

In the Gospel of Luke, a powerful moment transpires that sheds light on the essence of genuine connection, a lesson that not only transcends religious teachings but also delves deeply into the heart of sales and coaching. Jesus, finding Himself amidst Pharisees on a...

Mastering the Art of Asking: Jesus and the Discovery Stage of Sales

In my journey through the vast landscape of sales, coaching, and life training, I’ve stumbled upon invaluable principles that guide my approach. Among these is the IDEAS Sales System, particularly the Discovery Stage. Much like how Jesus tapped into the essence...

The Power of Discovery: Unlocking the Heart of Sales

In today’s fast-paced world, the act of truly listening is becoming a lost art. Yet, the heart of genuine sales lies in the discipline of restraint, patience, and deep discovery. Drawing from the wisdom contained within my book, “The Master Salesman: Jesus...

Discovering: The Heart of Genuine Connection in Sales

In the vast world of sales, it’s easy to be so focused on the transaction that we forget the human element. However, any seasoned salesperson will tell you that the genuine connection, understanding, and trust established with a client is the foundation upon...

Introducing: Jesus’ Approach to Sales

In the vast landscape of sales techniques and strategies, it’s easy to overlook the basic, yet pivotal, art of introduction. It is in the initial stage of introducing oneself and the product that the trajectory of the entire sales journey is set. One might...

Conversational Service: Lessons from Jesus and Timeless Scriptures

In the complex realm of sales and personal development, the heart of the matter isn’t about simply vending a product or service, but authentically resonating with and serving the individual at the other end. This profound truth is intricately woven into my book,...

Timeless Sales Principles from Jesus: The Art of Service

Sales, for many, might seem like a modern concept. Still, the essence of sales has always been about building relationships, understanding needs, and ultimately, serving the client. And who better exemplified these principles than Jesus? Through his teachings and...

Jesus: The Master Salesman and The Art of Genuine Service

In the realm of sales, there’s an individual whose methods surpass time and culture, whose approach to selling was transformative, and whose success is unparalleled: Jesus. Today, we’ll delve into some unique insights, drawing parallels from Jesus’...

Reaching Beyond Boundaries: Engaging in the Competitor’s Realm

In the vast expanse of today’s bustling market, a sea of ideas, products, and services converge, all vying for attention. Amidst this diverse landscape, competition is not only inevitable but also pervasive. While the inclination might be to see these...

The Art of Seizing Opportunities: Embracing the Unsold Customer

We’ve all been there. You’ve given your best pitch, answered every question, and yet, the customer remains unsold. It’s easy to walk away, chalk it up as a loss, and move on to the next lead. But is that the right approach? The truth is, in the world...

The Untapped Potential: Reconnecting with Unsold Customers

Every salesperson knows the adrenaline rush of landing a new customer. Yet, an aspect of sales often glossed over is the untapped potential in reconnecting with unsold customers. This subject has always been close to my heart and I explore it in detail in my book, The...

Understanding Sold Customers: Timeless Lessons from Jesus

If you’re in sales, you know how important it is to keep track of your clients. Those who have already bought from you aren’t just past transactions; they’re a goldmine of future opportunities. In my book, The Master Salesman: Jesus and the Art of...

Navigating Skepticism in Your Powerbase: Lessons from Jesus

If you’ve ever found yourself facing skepticism when introducing a new venture or professional change to your closest circle, you’re not alone. Many individuals encounter hesitancy, even from those who know them best. Interestingly, this phenomenon...

Unlocking Your Powerbase: A Divine Insight from Jesus’ Ministry

In the hustle of everyday life, we often overlook the goldmine of connections, or what is commonly termed as the ‘powerbase,’ that is right under our noses. Even in the annals of history, leveraging a powerbase isn’t a modern invention. Its roots dig...

Unlocking Your Powerbase: Jesus and the Art of Genuine Service

The role of a powerbase in sales is often overlooked, yet its impact is monumental. Think of it as your relational treasure chest—full of people who trust you and believe in your abilities. Your powerbase extends beyond immediate transactions to include networking,...