Closer Classes

Faith Based Sales Training

Closer Classes

Faith Based Sales Training


Faith-Driven Empowerment Pathways

Unlocking Potential, Nurturing Growth, and Building the Belief to Achieve

Group Sessions

Enter The Mastermind

Group training sessions are a mastermind synergy, where collective insights multiply, fostering innovation. It's about shared wisdom leading to enriched solutions, aligning with your customer's belief to buy.


    Individual Coaching

    Personalized Guidance, Targeted Growth

    Individual coaching offers personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs. Unlock targeted growth and potential with one-on-one attention, aligning your sales approach with proven values and empathetic understanding.


    Life Coaching

    Embrace Abundance, Live God’s Promise.

    Empowering individuals to accept God’s boundless generosity and abundance, fostering personal and financial success through faith and service.


    A Man With An Obsession


    A Man With An Obsession

    Glen Pavlovich's journey in the sales world is marked by growth, resilience, and a deep commitment to helping others develop their skills. Starting his career with the common misconception that sales and relationship building were talents one had to be born with, Glen soon recognized that these were skills not everyone was comfortable with, but that they could indeed be learned and cultivated. Emphasizing faith, service, and connection, his personal experiences give him unique insights to guide others empathetically through their sales challenges.

    Glen's dedication to nurturing skills has resulted in a transformative approach to sales. Through free workshops, group sessions, individual coaching, life coaching, books, and speaking events, he helps people build genuine connections, guided by faith and a service-oriented mindset. His guiding principle, "The customer is ready to buy. He needs you to help him believe," embodies his belief that sales is not just about transactions but about trust, empathy, and empowerment.


    Our Philosophy

    Belief as the Foundation

    Embrace belief in your industry, your product or service, and yourself, as outlined in the Triad of Belief.

    Sales as Service

    Approach sales with the mindset of serving others, reflecting the principles of the IDEAS Sales System.

    Authenticity and Integrity

    Maintain authenticity in your relationships and integrity in your product or service, learning from the example of Jesus as the best salesperson.

    Connection and Understanding

    Focus on building meaningful relationships, practicing active listening, and understanding others deeply.

    Life Alignment

    Align your work and life with higher principles and beliefs, committing to a life of service and fulfillment.


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    Mission Statement

    At Closer Classes, LLC, our mission is to inspire and guide people from all walks of life to believe in themselves, their goals, and something greater. We teach, coach, and encourage them using our unique methods.

    • Belief drives action in all areas of life, not just sales.

    Anyone can learn these skills if they believe in themselves, their purpose, and have faith in a higher calling.

    Every person has a role in the world, guided by their beliefs and values.

    Closer Classes, LLC will help with workshops, group sessions, one-on-one coaching, and life coaching, meeting you where you are and helping you grow, whether you’re in sales or any other field, and we think it’s important to respect and understand others, guided by a sense of right and wrong that comes from believing in something greater.

    Through workshops, podcasts, vlogs, blogs, on-demand lessons, and video conferencing, we will meet our learners
    where they are in both the physical sense and skill level.

    Everything we teach comes down to this simple idea:

    “The customer is ready to buy. He needs you to help him believe.”

    And this concept extends beyond sales; it’s about believing in yourself and others, and helping them believe too.

    Closer Classes, LLC


    Free Development Sessions



    4:30PM - 5:00PM

    Observations, Questions & Objections

    Join October's "The Art of the Close" Masterclass! Navigate the nuances between prospects' observations, questions, and objections. Sidestep pitfalls, address real concerns, and refine your sales approach. Seal deals with finesse!



    6:30PM - 7:00PM

    Price Objections

    This November, explore "Decoding Price: The Enigma of Buying Motives." Gain insights into purchasing drivers and receive an exclusive tool showcasing why prospects should choose you. Transform your sales approach!



    5:00PM - 5:30PM

    New Year, Clear Vision

    Jump into December with "New Year, Clear Vision: Goal Setting For 2024." Harness the power of our exclusive online goal planner and elevate your ambitions for the year ahead!



    5:00PM - 5:30PM

    Forecasting Mastery: Charting 2024 with Precision

    Join our January online workshop to explore the nuances between goal-setting and forecasting. Equip yourself with our exclusive 2024 forecasting toolkit and pave the way for a standout year ahead!


    Post COVID Car Sales: A Guide For Selling Cars In The Post-COVID Era

    The Simplest Sales Book: The Beginner’s Blueprint to Sales Success

    The Master Salesman:  Jesus and the Art of Service

    Navigating Skepticism in Your Powerbase: Lessons from Jesus

    If you've ever found yourself facing skepticism when introducing a new venture or professional change to your closest circle, you're not alone. Many individuals encounter hesitancy, even from those who know them best. Interestingly, this phenomenon isn't unique to...

    Adapting to Urgency: Lessons from Jesus’ Compassionate Response

    Sales is an art, a dance between identifying needs and meeting them with the right solutions. At its core, it's about connecting, understanding, and serving. But how can salespeople truly elevate their craft? For inspiration, we might turn to a source that might seem...

    The Salesperson’s Approach to Finding Joy in Giving

    In the world of sales, success is often measured by numbers, targets, and profits. But what if there's a deeper, more fulfilling way to approach sales? What if the true joy of selling lies in giving, serving, and building genuine relationships? This perspective is not...

    Profit with Purpose: Jesus, Ethics, and the Art of Selling

    In the expansive world of sales, it's easy to get consumed by the allure of profit. After all, for many, it's seen as the hallmark of success – a clear indication of business growth and personal accomplishment. But how do we strike a balance? How do we ensure we're...

    The Art of Introduction: Making the First Impression Count – Focuses on the crucial first step of the IDEAS Sales System.

    The article focuses on the essential first step of the sales process, the introduction. It explores principles from Jesus’ approach to service and provides practical applications to make a lasting first impression. With insights drawn from the IDEAS Sales System and the Triad Of Belief, it presents a rich guide to mastering the art of introduction.

    The Triad of Belief: A Fundamental Framework for Sales Success

    In the world of sales, belief is the cornerstone upon which all successful transactions are built. It's not just about believing in what you're selling but also understanding the intricate web of beliefs that guide both the salesperson and the customer. This...

    Decoding the Emotional Currency: Why Customers Pay More for Perceived Value

    We've all been there: scratching our heads at the price tag of a product or service that seems to cost far more than its apparent value. But what if I told you that the price isn't always about the cost of production? It's often about the emotional currency that...

    The Importance of Active Listening in Sales: The Discovering Phase

    Explore the art of active listening in sales, as emphasized in the Discovering phase of the IDEAS Sales System. This approach, inspired by the teachings of Jesus, leads to deeper connections with customers. The article offers practical applications and integrates the concept with the Triad of Belief, reflecting the principles found in the book “The Master Salesman: Jesus and the Art of Service.”

    From Frustration to Insight: Learning from Jesus’ Questions in Sales

    The realm of sales is intricate, laden with nuances, challenges, and the pivotal moment where one must either retreat or forge ahead. These crossroads moments can be deeply introspective, prompting us to grapple with our beliefs, understanding, and commitment. In...

    The Integrity Factor: Why Authenticity is the Cornerstone of Sales Success

    In the high-stakes game of sales, it's tempting to think that bending the truth is a shortcut to success. But let's get one thing straight: Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's the bedrock of long-lasting, meaningful customer relationships. In this article, we'll...