Delivering Excellence: Navigating the Nuances of Physical Vehicle Delivery in a Post-COVID Era

In the chapters of my book, POST-COVID CAR SALES A Guide For Selling Cars In The Post-COVID Era, I explore the intricate dynamics of car sales, especially in the context of the changes brought about by the pandemic. The strategies that once formed the bedrock of the sales process have been challenged, and Dealership Managers are now faced with the task of navigating through these shifts, adapting, and innovating.

Empowering Decision Makers During Physical Delivery

When it comes to the physical delivery of a vehicle, especially away from the dealership, it’s imperative that the representative from the dealership is not only knowledgeable but also empowered to make decisions. If we’ve done our job right, disclosing every detail about the vehicle’s condition, there should be no surprises. However, issues can arise, and in the interest of customer satisfaction, the person delivering the car must be empowered to make decisions on the spot.

Here are some possible scenarios that might arise during delivery:

  • A service issue develops with the vehicle from when it left the dealership.
  • The customer discovers a missing feature they thought was included.
  • The customer’s trade-in is not as described or pictured.
  • Upon arrival, you suspect this may be a straw purchase or a case of identity theft.

In all these scenarios, the person completing the final delivery needs to have the decision-making capacity to decide what will be done, aligning with the dealership’s policies and customer satisfaction.

Mimicking At-Dealership Delivery Off-Site

An off-site delivery should mimic an at-dealership delivery as much as possible. Just because the customer chose to purchase without an in-person visit to the dealership does not mean they do not want personal attention. The customer should be given adequate instruction and demonstration of as many of the vehicle’s features as they wish.

Moreover, the vehicle itself should be impeccable in appearance. It should be cleaned for delivery as it usually would, perhaps with even more attention to detail. Since the customer is in their own comfortable surroundings, they will be much more aware of cleaning missteps or minor issues. Thus, avoiding any objection in the first place by ensuring the vehicle is in pristine condition is crucial.

The Service “Walk”

If the customer is in the same area as your dealership, it’s likely that they can service the vehicle with your service department. Be proactive! Make their first service appointment for them before you leave the dealership and head out to the final delivery. This not only aids franchise dealers who are measured by the factory regarding the number of service visits they schedule in relation to the number of new vehicles sold but also provides a great benefit to the customer by simplifying their life.

Pre-schedule an appointment for them at the first recommended service interval that the maintenance schedule recommends. During the investigation segment of the sales process, you should have discovered the approximate number of miles the customer drives per year and can estimate when the first service visit should take place based on miles or time.

The Underlying Philosophy: Selling to Help

My philosophy, embedded in every page of POST-COVID CAR SALES A Guide For Selling Cars In The Post-COVID Era, revolves around “selling to help.” It’s not merely about closing a deal; it’s about providing genuine assistance, offering solutions, and establishing connections that are mutually beneficial. This philosophy extends beyond the sale itself, permeating every interaction with the customer, even in the post-sale phase.

Taking a Step Further with Personalized Coaching

While the book offers a wealth of knowledge and strategies, taking a step further with personalized coaching at Closer Classes can provide you with tailored strategies and insights, ensuring that you navigate through the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving car sales landscape effectively.

The customer is ready to buy. He needs you to help him believe.

Article Summary

Navigating through the nuances of physical vehicle delivery, especially off-site, requires empowering dealership representatives, ensuring impeccable vehicle condition, and providing a seamless, personalized customer experience. The philosophy of “selling to help” extends into every phase of the sale, ensuring genuine assistance and connection. Tailored strategies and insights through personalized coaching can further enhance adaptability and success in the evolving car sales landscape.

Books Available

Post COVID Car Sales

Post COVID Car Sales - A Guide For Selling Cars In The Post-COVID Era - Buy now on Amazon

A Guide For Selling Cars In The Post-COVID Era

The Simplest Sales Book

The Simplest Sales Book - The Beginner's Blueprint to Sales Success - Buy now on Amazon

The Beginner's Blueprint to Sales Success

The Master Salesman

The Master Salesman - Jesus and the Art of Service - Buy now on Amazon

Jesus and the Art of Service

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